What are the benefits of wall mounted commercial boilers?

When it comes to the commercial heating sector boilers are mostly to be found in plant rooms where they will either be wall mounted or floor standing.  Wall hung commercial condensing boilers are by far the most popular option, but your choice of mounting should always be based on each site’s particular layout and requirements.

Can all commercial boilers be wall mounted?

Only boilers specifically designed to be wall mounted can be so, and only if the walls are suitable.  That’s mostly because there is a limit as to how many kilowatts (around 160) you can put into a boiler and still safely wall hang it.  Anything bigger than this and the size and weight of the boiler means wall mounting becomes unfeasible.  But this doesn’t necessarily mean that you are restricted in output as you can wall mount several boilers in cascade, where the boilers work together to achieve the same output as single larger boiler.  You can read about the benefits of a boiler cascade system here.

Do wall mounted boilers save space?

Wall hung boilers have the advantage of a compact footprint which is a major selling point.  Where head room is restricted though, a floor mounted boiler could be a better option as they are generally much lower than a wall mounted boiler.

Are wall hung boilers easier to install?

There isn’t a straight forward yes or no answer to this question as it very much depends on the site and whether you are installing one floor standing boiler versus several smaller boilers in cascade, for example.  However, one answer that is nearly always a yes, is when it comes to plant room access.  As wall hung boilers have a smaller capacity and are therefore smaller in size, they are easier to manoeuvre through smaller spaces.

Is it easier to flu a wall mounted boiler?

The good news about wall mounted commercial boilers – certainly Ideal Heating ones - is that they can be installed with either concentric or open-flues. Floor standing boilers are typically more suited to open-flu instals only, which require a flu specialist.  Concentric flues, where the air supply and flue gases are managed within a one-piece sealed concentric duct system, on the other hand, can be fitted by any gas safe installer.

At Ideal Heating, we provide a comprehensive range of UK manufactured commercial condensing boilers that can be wall mounted.  Our Evomax 2 is the UK’s number 1 wall mounted commercial boiler, with market leading availability; it outsells every other comparable boiler in the UK! 

Where wall mounting is not suitable, as you’d expect, we also have a comprehensive range of floor standing option, such as the Imax Xtra 2. It is compact in size and comes on wheels, making it easy to install and easily fit through standard doorways. It can be cascaded up to four boilers for up to 1120kW output.

To find out more on wall hung boilers, and if they are suitable for your installation, contact your business development manager or call us on 01482 498376.

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