
We are continually developing new resources to assist you on your own net zero journey, including case studies, white papers, instructive guides and our industry spotlight technical articles - which allow you to stay up to date on the major subjects and topics driving the commercial heating industry. Be sure to revisit regularly for the latest guidance.

  • Ihc 230404 Net Zero Website Case Studies 320X320Px

    Case Studies

    Discover how industry colleagues are deploying low carbon heating solutions to best effect, and the impact it has on energy usage and emissions. Click on the link below to read more.

  • Ihc 230404 Net Zero Website White Papers 320X320Px

    White Papers

    For the latest in-depth examination of low carbon heating and hot water solutions, read our White Paper. Click on our White Paper below.  

  • Ihc 230404 Net Zero Website Guides 320X320Px

    Commercial Hydrogen Guide

    Businesses face a long and, at times, uncertain road to net-zero. Our informative Guides provide useful overviews of key developments in that journey. Choose which Guide you'd like to view from the list below. 

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    Industry Spotlight Articles

    Our Industry Spotlight technical articles allow you to stay up to date on the various major subjects and topics driving the commercial heating industry. Read the full Industry Spotlight articles by clicking below:

Supporting you on the way

In the UK, the building sector is the second largest emitter of Green House Gases (GHGs), with most of these emissions resulting from heating and hot water demand in homes being fulfilled by traditional boilers. In total, the heating of homes and workspaces makes up almost a third of UK carbon emissions. Decarbonising heating in our buildings, is therefore a key government goal.

As part of our commitment to decarbonising the nation’s heating and hot water, and with over 100 years of experience and knowledge we have developed a range of market-leading products and low carbon heating solutions for commercial properties. Armed with everything from commercial condensing boilers, commercial heat pumps through to heat interface units, we provide the right heating technology to help the UK on its journey to net zero.